
Permanent makeup

The Ultimate in Permanent Makeupszalon1_1

What is Permanent Cosmetics?

Permanent Cosmetics is a 4,000 year old process that has been brought into vogue the past 20 years. Permanent Cosmetics is the permanent application of pigment into the skin for eyebrows, eyeliner. lip liner, complete lip shape reconstruction, birthmarks, nipple arcolae (after reconstructive surgery of mastectomy patients),scar camouflage for hypo and hyperpigmented scars (this could include burn victins as well as vitiligo patients), spider vein camouflag, and hair simulation in scalp for alopecia areata patients otherwise known as tattooing.

In ancient times this process could only be afforded by the elite and very wealthy. Today, technology and new innovative processes have made the price affordable for anybody to have this process done.

How does Permanent Cosmetics Work?

At SofTap ® Permanent Cosmetics the process is done by the manual SofTap ® method. SofTap ® is a registered trademark of SofTap Permanent Cosmetics. We use a set of several fine single needles that are dipped into a permanent pigment mixture and then applied into the skin according to the desired shape or design that is pleasing to the client having the procedure done.

What is the SofTap ® Technique?

The SofTap ® technique is a registered trademark. Only our graduates have mastered this permanent makeup technique. The SofTap ® technique is a very controlled, gentle and safe technique compared to other methods. It’s so gentle that many times a topical anesthetic does not have to be applied.

Why do clients prefer the SofTap ® technique over all other permanent makeup procedures?softap-szalon

Simply said, it is the most gentle and comfortable procedure and it looks the most natural. With the SofTap ® technique individual fine hairs can be easily and artistically draw on.

The final look is natural, soft, powdery and subtle.

The method tries to give you a natural look and is not comparable with the traditional Tattoo – method ! It has much more to do with Cosmetics than with anything else.

Is it safe?

Of course! The SofTap ® technique is quite safe. With each procedure, fresh pigments are used which contain safe inorganic ingredients. In addition, only disposable probes, brushes, and spatulas are used. All non disposable equipment is thoroughly sterilized via OSHA sterilization procedures such as a dry heat sterilizer or autoclave. A patch test is suggested to qualify any color changes that may take place with the undertones of an individual’s skin.

The fresh pigment is desposited by the needles that softly tap and lift the skin, thereby depositing color permanently into the skin. Traditional methods of tattooing use a reciprocating needle which pushes the color into the skin. The SofTap ® method gently lifts the skin to deposit color. As a result, there is a definite difference in the amount of pain experienced by the client. Many clients, who have had permanent makeup with the traditional tattoo machine can attest to the fact that the SofTap ® method is far gentler, the skin recovers faster. Clients have been known to go out on the town immediately after their procedure. The SofTap ® colors have earned their excellent reputation because they look so natural. They are thick, reach and creamy which allows to the permanent cosmetic technician complete control in color selection. There are currently 51 fabulous colors to chose from. Those include 20 different browns in the cool and warm palettes, 13 natural lip colors, 9 special effect colors, 9 camouflage colors. No mixing is necessary.

Now you are on the way to becoming a natural beauty. The look you’ve always dramt of can be yours forever. Come in for your free consultation.

– expertly analyze your skin tone

– expertly analyze your face shape

– expertly analyze your hair color

– costume mix the exact color you want

– expertly design the proper shape for your desired look

Permanent Makeup Can:

– save you time

– save you money

– make your eyelashes thicker

– enhance your own natural features

– make lips look fuller

– make lips more defined

– correct uneven or narrow lips

– fill in brows where hairs were lost

– make your look younger which a custom brow arch

Permanent Makeup is for People Who:

– want to wake up every morning with perfect makeup

– are tired of their makeup smadging, smearing and running

– can’t see very well to apply their makeup

– are athletic (such as bikers, swimmers, runners, or people who do aerobics) and are tired sweat smearing their makeup

– are allergic to regular makeup

The following procedure are available:

1) Permanent Eyebrows for:


-someone that has lost her eyebrows from shaving or tweezing and they never grew back

– someone who wants more of a brow arch to look younger and more attractive

– someone who wants to inintensify their own eyebrows

– chemotherapy patients who have lsot their eyebrows

– Alopecia Areata patiens

– burn victions who has lost their eyebrows

Properly Desigend Eyebrow Can:

– make a long face look more oval

– make a round face seem narrower

– pull apart close-set eyes

– bring together wide-set eyes

– minimize round eyes

– emphasize exotic, almond shaped eyes

– de-emphsize a wide nose

2) Permanent eyeliner for:


-athletes and ladies on the go

– someone who can’t see well enough without glasses to apply her own eyeliner

– someone who likes the convenience of not having to apply them every morning

– someone who is allergic to regular makeup but likes to look their very best at all times

Properly Designed Eyeliner Can:

– make wide-set eyes appear more round

– make close-set eyes eyes appear further apart

– make narrow eyes seem wider (using the doming-technique)

– make regular eyes seem more exotic

3) Permanent lipliner:


– to give the lips better definition

4) Permanent Full Lip Coloring For:

– lady athletes

– ladies with visual problems

– ladies who like the convenience

-somone who has bluish lips

5) Permanent Lip Extension For:

– someone who has very thin, small or uneven lips and would like to enhance or change the shape of his or her lips into a more becoming look.

– to detract from a too long, too round or too square face by changing the shape of their lips.

6) Permanent Beauty Marks

We can indeed enhance of someone’s life, it can not only make you look better but also feel better.

We are looking forward to making a positive difference in your life. Please contact us to get to know everything about our services.

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